Tuesday, January 18, 2011

LSA it Was Not

11:32 AM, 18 January 2011

When I was at Troy the BCM used to what they called LSA: Lazy Sunday Afternoons.  Our Sunday afternoon was not lazy.  I want to say now that the last two days have been scorchers.  While they haven't necessarily felt a zillion degrees, sometimes they have.  With the clouds leaving, so did the wind, so Sunday afternoon was hot.  We got back just in time for lunch, which we'd planned would happen.  We killed a bit of time talking to Dori, who wasn't feeling well,  and then we had some work for ourselves to do.

The misa here uses folders with brads for the service, and the only form of the Prayers of the People were Form I, and Dori likes Form III.  So last week we set about to get Form III, and we did, but it wasn't in the binders yet. Sunday afternoon we ran our copies and put them in the binders.  That took some time since we had to take apart the binders and then put the sheets in.  There isn't a three-hole punch here, so it was just using the brads to make holes.  We got all those in and then I went to my room; I hadn't showered yet since I knew I would be walking in the heat to and from the game.

Sunday's shower felt good; the cold water on my hot, burnt skin was nice...until I needed to rinse my hair.  The water here isn't always reliable; it sometimes just stops.  That happened just as soon as my head was fully lathered.  I was able to move the shower head up and down to get some water to come out (thought it more comes from the joint of the shower head and the pipe than the shower head) at each stopping point.  I was clean.

I practiced my sermon since I hadn't looked at it since writing it and then I went over to the chapel.

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