Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tonight, I...

So, I saw Mary Poppins again Tuesday. Jenni, Anna, and Emily were in town and we got rush tickets. Throughout the show (well, before, at intermission, and after) we notice the guy who sold programs, umbrellas, and the like. He was really good at holding his arm up to showcase his wares. Tonight I saw Memphis. Who happened to be sitting in the front row (with us) but in the dead center? Same guy, or so Jenni and I thought, as we stared at him through most of the intermission.

When Anna came back from going to the bathroom she concurred that it was probably him. We continued to stare We wanted to know, and Anna wasn't having anything to do with that. Jenni and I paper, rock, scissored for it. I lost and was given the task of talking to him. It was time for the show to continue (it's great!), and so I had to do it at the end. After the band finished playing, Jenni and Anna made room for me to get to the aisle to meet him.

Tonight I said, "Not to be a creeper, but my friends and I were wondering if you work at Mary Poppins. We were at the show on Tuesday night." Turns out it was him. We were right. I didn't ask if he wanted a seminarian friend, although I wanted to...but talking to random strangers like that is right up there with asking random theater goers, "Do you want to get saved?" and following it with "Want to go hiking?"

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